Headache Treatment in Indore
A headache refers to pain or discomfort in the head or face, with variations in location, intensity, and frequency. While the brain tissue itself lacks pain-sensitive nerve fibers, other structures in the head can trigger headaches, including scalp nerves, facial nerves, muscles, and blood vessels.
Types of Headaches
There are numerous types of headaches, with some of the most common including:
- Tension Headaches: Characterized by mild to moderate pain that comes and goes over time without additional symptoms.
- Migraine Headaches: Often described as throbbing pain lasting from 4 hours to 3 days, accompanied by sensitivity to light, noise, or smells, nausea, and other symptoms.
- Cluster Headaches: Intense burning or piercing pain around one eye, occurring in clusters over weeks or months with each attack lasting 15 minutes to 3 hours.
- Chronic Daily Headaches: Occur 15 days or more per month for longer than 3 months, with varying durations and intensity.
Causes of Headaches
Headaches can be primary, where the headache itself is the main medical issue, or secondary, related to an underlying medical condition such as neck injury or sinus infection. Contributing factors may include muscle tension, dietary triggers, medication, dehydration, or hormonal changes.
Headache symptoms depend on the type and may include slow onset, dull or squeezing pain, involvement of both sides of the head, and absence of nausea or sensitivity to light in tension headaches. Diagnosis involves a comprehensive medical evaluation, physical examination, and diagnostic tests such as blood tests, sinus X-rays, MRI, or CT scans.
Treatment aims to prevent headaches and depends on identifying the type of headache. Strategies may include avoiding triggers, lifestyle modifications, stress management, and medication as prescribed by a healthcare provider. Specific management for migraine and cluster headaches may involve abortive, rescue, or preventive medications. In some cases, immediate medical attention, hospitalization, or surgery may be necessary.
Dr. Abhishek Songara provides personalized evaluation and treatment plans for individuals suffering from headaches. Using advanced diagnostic techniques and a multidisciplinary approach, he aims to alleviate symptoms and enhance overall quality of life. For expert headache treatment in Indore, trust Dr. Songara, a leading neurologist in Indore, to deliver comprehensive care tailored to your needs.